Blackjack as a dealer - Please read everything below

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If the popup says "stay," you may not draw a third card and therefore cannot get blackjack.

If the popup says "bust" you cannot draw a third card and you have lost.

If the popup says "draw again," you must hit. click the "hit" button to draw your third card, and your result will come in the form of a popup.

If you get an ace and a card worth 10 on your first try, the popup will say "Blackjack!" It will also say "Blackjack!" if your cards total 21 by your third turn. Getting "Blackjack!" means you have won the game.

Numbers will display below here. The button will draw your first two cards!

Note: The numbers are displayed in the order in which the button is hit (This only applies if you have to draw again). The final number is the number on the very bottom.

Draw the third card wih the button below, ONLY if the popup says "Draw again"